Pauline Books and Media

Pauline Books and Media provides an authentic resource for books and media that are accessible to the modern age, and solidly rooted in our Catholic identity.

Current Selected Options

St. Paul Daily Missal Black Leatherflex

St. Paul Daily Missal Black Leatherflex

CAD $99.95

Discovery At Dawn (Gospel Time Trekkers v6)

Discovery At Dawn (Gospel Time Trekkers v6)

CAD $9.95

Courageous Quest (Gospel Time Trekkers v5)

Courageous Quest (Gospel Time Trekkers v5)

CAD $9.95

Holy Spirit Prayer Book

Holy Spirit Prayer Book

CAD $25.95

He and I

He and I

CAD $34.95

Jesus Speaking - Heart to Heart With The King

Jesus Speaking - Heart to Heart With The King

CAD $35.95

Scripture Illuminated Coloring Book for Adults

Scripture Illuminated Coloring Book for Adults

CAD $24.95

Windows Into Christ Coloring Book for Adults

Windows Into Christ Coloring Book for Adults

CAD $24.95

Page A Day Children's Bible

Page A Day Children's Bible

CAD $30.95

Our Lady's Garden

Our Lady's Garden

CAD $21.95

Our Lady Undoer of Knots, 10 Pack

Our Lady Undoer of Knots, 10 Pack

CAD $42.95

Mary and the Little Shepherds of Fatima

Mary and the Little Shepherds of Fatima

CAD $22.95

Joy Of Love (Amoris Laetitia)

Joy Of Love (Amoris Laetitia)

CAD $16.95

Danger at Sea (Gospel Time Trekkers v3)

Danger at Sea (Gospel Time Trekkers v3)

CAD $9.95