Seeking More

Seeking More

By C.T. Rossi
Product Code: 9781505105599

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The short answer is “yes.” But you can’t do it without understanding that being a lawyer is a special vocation — one that calls upon you to know how your Catholic faith intersects your professional life. In these times when developments in the civil law run contrary to traditional Catholic moral teaching, how is a lawyer expected to properly render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's?

Seeking More is a guide designed to help you discover the Church’s perennial teachings on the nature and purpose of law, the balance required in Church and State relations, and the duty of all Christians to work for the common good. However, like any good lawyer, author C.T. Rossi goes further than merely providing those teachings in the abstract and applies the rules to the facts through an in-depth study of the life of St. Thomas More.

Unlike other popular works about the patron saint of lawyers, here St. Thomas struggle in our own morally confusing times. For the legal professional, this guide’s St. Thomas More is more than an object of saintly veneration. Instead, he proves to be a beloved legal colleague and guide worthy of imitation.

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