Theology of Home IV: Arranging the Seasons

Theology of Home IV: Arranging the Seasons

By Emily Malloy
Product Code: 9781505127942

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Product Description

We can see in His creation what we cannot perceive in our Creator. We may connect not just house and garden, but also the eternal and the daily with the gift of the flower, which is a strong expression of God's love. Emily Malloy investigates the vitality and life of the garden in this fourth edition of Theology of Home. Malloy, a florist, presents a variety of practical suggestions for bringing flowers into our homes as we go through the seasons and the Church's liturgical calendar. However, this volume, like the others of the series, does not end there. Arranging the Seasons, which commemorates mankind's origins in the Garden of Eden, underscores the human heart's inherent longing for beauty. The deeper concerns of life, family, love, and God that inspire our attempts to nurture the planet are explored in this volume of Theology of Home. It will motivate us to overlay our lives and homes with the intangibles that convert matter into melody in simple and tiny ways.

Height: 9.00"
Width: 7.25"

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