Traditional Spelling IV Student Workbook

Traditional Spelling IV Student Workbook

By Amber Wheat, Michelle Tefertiller, Evan Gartman
Product Code: 9781547705474

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Product Description


The Traditional Spelling series is a comprehensive phonetic approach to teaching spelling and completes our Reading & Phonics program. Following our award-winning First Start Reading and Classical Phonics, the next step towards mastery of phonics is Traditional Spelling IV.

Designed for students who have mastered reading “Consonant-Vowel-Consonant” words and their short vowel sounds, Traditional Spelling is intended to follow a phonics-based kindergarten program such as the Memoria Press First Start Reading program through Book D.

Traditional Spelling was the vision of Cheryl Lowe, internationally acclaimed author, educator, and founder of Memoria Press and Highlands Latin School. The phonics focus content and spelling words were purposefully chosen by her. Paired with StoryTime and More StoryTime Treasures in first grade or with the literature study guides in second grade, Traditional Spelling IV provides an extensive, mastery-based study of phonics for spelling and reading.

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