Tradivox vol 6: Aquinas, Pecham, and Pagula

Tradivox vol 6: Aquinas, Pecham, and Pagula

By Tradivox
Product Code: 9781644133606
★★★★★ ★★★★★ 5.00/5 Stars. (1 Review)

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Product Description

Countless devoted priests, bishops, popes, saints, and even Church Councils have written pithy, reliable formulations of our Church's timeless teachings for Catholics young and old, from the small "penny" catechisms of the 16th century to our own late 20th-century Catechism.

Readers have found Catholic theology conveyed in startlingly plain and even elegant language, frequently with beautiful woodcuts on exquisite pages.

Hundreds of mediaeval catechisms are being found and painstakingly repaired for the first time ever. They've been re-formatted for publication and are now available in this beautiful 20-volume, cross-indexed set.

What’s in Volume VI:

This collection includes numerous "mediaeval" catechisms that offer a fascinating look into mediaeval catechetical procedures as well as a clear presentation of Catholic principles held long before Trent or even Florence. The text of the Athanasian Creed, Quicumque Vult (about 370), is among the catechisms, as are four brief catechisms from the mid-1200s to early 1300s: The Catechetical Instructions (ca. 1260) is a catechetical version of St. Thomas Aquinas' Opuscula, Ignorantia Sacerdotum (1281) is the work of the Provincial Council of Lambeth, convened by the renowned Archbishop of Canterbury, John Pecham, Quinque Verba (1300) is an inexpensive pocket manual designed to "remedy the ignorance of simple priests...lest anyone try to excuse himself from knowing.

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★★★★★ ★★★★★
5.00/5 Stars out of 1 Review
Tradivox vol 6
(Calgary) | March 22nd, 2022
Volume 6 continues the tradition of providing previous catechisms to us. This volume includes the Aquinas catechism. I want to collect the full series so that Church teaching can be captured through the centuries via the catechism series. I recommend that you buy a volume and study it. I'm convinced that you will purchase the other volumes as they come out.