The Holy Hour: Meditations for Eucharistic Adoration

The Holy Hour: Meditations for Eucharistic Adoration

By Fulton Sheen, Matthew Becklo (editor)
Product Code: 9781685780029
★★★★★ ★★★★★ 5.00/5 Stars. (4 Reviews)

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Product Description

Fulton Sheen once wrote that the purpose of the Holy Hour—a sustained, uninterrupted hour of prayer in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament—is to encourage a deep personal encounter with Christ. “Looking at the Eucharistic Lord for an hour,” he wrote, “transforms the heart in a mysterious way.” Pope St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis all joined Sheen in recommending Eucharistic Adoration as a foundational spiritual practice.

Today, however, the hidden power of the Holy Hour radiates with special urgency—both for the Church and for the culture. Many Catholics no longer believe in or even understand the doctrine of the Real Presence; many Protestants are disconnected from the historical reality, and centrality, of the Eucharist; and people of all backgrounds, overwhelmed by the noise and speed of postmodern life, seek refuge in various forms of meditation and mindfulness. To all of these groups, the Holy Hour offers a life-changing opportunity: the silence and simplicity of being in the presence of God.

The Holy Hour is a unique collection of hymns, poetry, prayers, and reflections for Adoration from across two thousand years of Catholic tradition. Structured around Bishop Robert Barron’s threefold classification of Real Presence, Holy Sacrifice, and Sacred Meal, readers will explore the Eucharistic hymns of St. Thomas Aquinas, key passages from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, verses from both saints and lesser-known poets, and reflections from Bishop Barron and the great heroes of the Word on Fire movement. The Holy Hour is designed to inspire readers to stay close to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, guide their prayer and contemplation in his presence, and spark the revival of silent Adoration that the world so desperately craves.

What You’ll Find Inside the Holy Hour:
  • An introduction from Fulton Sheen’s Treasure in Clay reflecting on the importance of the Holy Hour
  • A foreword by Bishop Robert Barron
  • The Eucharistic hymns of St. Thomas Aquinas in both Latin and English
  • Over twenty-five poems with Eucharistic resonances from saints like John Paul II, Edith Stein, John of the Cross, and Thérèse of Lisieux, and poets like Gerard Manley Hopkins, Dante, G.K. Chesterton, and more
  • Relevant passages from the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the Eucharist and Eucharistic Adoration, as well as key passages from Sacred Scripture
  • Brief theological and spiritual reflections from Bishop Barron and many of the heroes of Word on Fire, including Flannery O’Connor, St. Irenaeus, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Thomas Merton, St. Teresa of Avila, Dorothy Day, J.R.R. Tolkien, St. Teresa of Kolkata, and more
  • Eucharistic prayers from St. John Henry Newman, Thomas à Kempis, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Thomas More, the Didache, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Augustine, Padre Pio, and more
  • The Prayers for Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
  • A prayer from each one of the twelve “Pivotal Players”
  • And even more!

Foreword - Bishop Robert Barron

Introduction to the Holy Hour- Fulton J. Sheen

Opening Prayer and Hymn (with O Salutaris Hostia)

I. Real Presence

1. Christ Is Here

2. Mouth-to-Mouth

3. The Bread of Eternal Life

4. Waiting in Silence

5. The Flesh of God

6. To Whom Can We Go?

7. To the End of the Age

8. One Body

Hymn: Adoro Te Devote

II. Holy Sacrifice

9. Thanksgiving and Praise

10. The Passover Lamb

11. The Crucified One

12. He is Risen

13. The Eternal Priest

14. Do This in Remembrance

15. The Sacrifice of the Church

16. Living in Love

Hymn: Lauda Sion

III. Sacred Meal

17. The Passover Meal

18. Forgiveness and the Feast

19. The Holy Mountain

20. All Ate and Were Filled

21. Our Daily Bread

22. Feeding the Lambs

23. Hunger and Thirst

24. The Marriage Supper

Hymn: Sacris Solemniis

III. Additional Meditations

Prayers for Exposition and Benediction

of the Blessed Sacrament

Recent Popes on Eucharistic Adoration

Additional Hymns

Additional Poems

Essential Prayers

Prayers from Word on Fire

Prayers of the “Pivotal Players”

Other Prayers before the Eucharist

Closing Prayer and Hymn (with Tantum Ergo)

Afterword - Elizabeth Scalia


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★★★★★ ★★★★★
5.00/5 Stars out of 4 Reviews
Holy Hour
| November 7th, 2023
Fantastic. Fourth (gift) copy of this book I have purchased from Sunrise Marian. Excellent value/service they provide.
Holy Hour Meditations
(St. Marys) | November 28th, 2022
The written content is very inspiring and focused. The quality of the book is excellant.
The Holy Hour: Meditations for Eucharistic Adoration
(Toronto) | November 12th, 2022
This Holy Hour companion is definitely a "must have." I was very impressed by the overall content from the product description. But the format, quality and overall finish of the book went beyond my expectations!
(VICTORIA) | October 23rd, 2022
An excellent book to have to grow in holiness.