Kindergarten Handwriting for Young Catholics

Kindergarten Handwriting for Young Catholics

Product Code: P-HW00-21

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Product Description


Kindergarten Handwriting for Young Catholics from Seton Press. 

An original Catholic handwriting text / workbook from Seton Home Study School. The primary purpose of this first book in the for Young Catholic series of handwriting textbooks, is to refine the young child's fine motor skills while teaching proper handwriting strokes for the lowercase letters. The teaching of the lower case letters reinforces the child's identification of letters, a pattern commonly used in reading. So this handwriting text actually helps establish the skills necessary for reading. Each page includes space for the child to draw appropriate illustrations. Topics covered include: stroke refinement of down-strike lines, backward circles, forward circles, forward lines, slant-stroke lines, and the use of these techniques in drawing all of the capital and lowercase letters, and also numerals. 

Blue lined. Employs the Zaner-Bloser stroke descriptions format. Black and white illustrations. 

2012 Edition. 11 x 8.5 inches. Soft Cover. 268 pages.

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