The Day the Sun Danced: The True Story of Fatima (DVD) (English/Spanish/French)

The Day the Sun Danced: The True Story of Fatima (DVD) (English/Spanish/French)

By CCC of America
Product Code: 9781586140605

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In 1917, three children named Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta experienced a great miracle. While herding a flock of sheep outside the tiny village of Fatima, Portugal, the Blessed Mother visited them, not once, but many times, telling the children great and wondrous secrets that would affect all of creation.

When the children tried to share the joyous news of Our Lady of Fatima, no one believed them, until the day the sun seemed to dance in the sky. It soon became clear that they had been chosen by the Blessed Mother to share her message.

The prophecies of Fatima are still relevant for today. The three visionaries were shown hell because of all the people who were going there because of sins of the flesh. The little saints did much penance for people who were on their way to hell; they were absolutely terrified of it. This vision is not shown on this DVD due to the young age of the audience.

(All ages/English/Spanish/French/30 min)

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