Mother Angelica on Christ and Our Lady

Mother Angelica on Christ and Our Lady

By Mother Angelica
Product Code: 9781682780121

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Product Description


As Mother Angelica spent time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, she’d write down insights she was given on the life of Jesus and His Immaculate Mother. Those insights have now been collected in this first-of-its-kind volume, bringing you to a deeper appreciation for the life story of Our Lady, the personality of Jesus, the depths of His love, the Beatitudes, and His Sacred Heart.

With Mother Angelica as your guide, you will not only come to know Our Lord and His Mother in an intimate way, you will understand the essential messages they deliver to you and to the rest of the world.

This is a perfect companion to provide you with material to meditate on before or after Mass, during Adoration, or simply during a quiet time of prayer during the busy day.

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