Beyond the Birds and the Bees (Raising Sexually Whole and Holy Kids)

Beyond the Birds and the Bees (Raising Sexually Whole and Holy Kids)

By Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak
Product Code: 9781935940159

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Authors: Greg and Lisa Popcak

"The Talk." It's one of the most terrifying possibilities for parents. It can be a daunting task to faithfully and effectively communicate the depth of Catholic teaching on sexuality. Is this, however, necessary?

Greg and Lisa Popcak equip you with the tools you need to go beyond "the Talk" by providing a comprehensive guide to raising sexually full and holy children in this completely redesigned edition of Beyond the Birds and the Bees. The Popcaks use the riches of Blessed John Paul II's Theology of the Body to help you manage your children securely from infancy to adolescence and beyond.

This book answers the questions parents may have, including:

  • What lessons must my children learn at each stage to develop a healthy Christian sexuality?
  • How can I have age-appropriate conversations about sensitive issues with my children?
  • How can I teach my children what it takes to be a true Catholic man or woman?
  • How can I help my children have healthy, Christian dating relationships?
  • ...and much more
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